Saturday, June 20, 2009

Amos thought it was silly but came with me to pick out a blankie for our little one. Not knowing if we will get a boy or girl made it a bit difficult but I love this puppy blankie that we got! On the way home I realized that we have now been in this adoption process longer than a pregnancy. If we got pregnant at the same time we started the adoption process, we would have a child already. Errr... However, knowing our little one is out there and having a peace about the fact that God will put this all together in the right time helps.
Also, I read The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell, M.D. It's a fabulous book about how to make sure your child knows you love them. Kids, like adults, express love and feel love in different ways. It was a great read and gave me some good pointers.
Lastly, my school signed up to sponsor a widow from Burundi through Sister Connection (check them out on YouTube!). I got an email asking if it was okay if we sponsored a family of children whose widowed mother just passed away. It turns out that this widow's children are too young to care for themselves and have been taken in by a neighbor lady who has 6 children of her own. Of course I said we would and I am anxiously awaiting the packet of info on these children. I feel like this is not only a small way I can bless someone in need, it's also a good connection to a country I'm beginning to love. More to come on this venture as well...

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