Sunday, May 15, 2011

More drama

We were not submitted yet again last Thursday. It has been 12 weeks since court and almost 4 weeks since our case was denied at embassy due to lacking details on the occupation and address of the witness to Kepler's birth mother's testimony in our case. We were so angry and heartbroken last Friday to hear AGAIN that we were not submitted. One thing that makes us so mad is that our agency is not giving us any information on what is taking 4 weeks to get done. We are told the same thing every time I call: "He's on it." , meaning our attorney is on it. I have very little confidence in this because if he was truly 'on it' we would be getting some information about the process or what is hanging it up.
Amos and I wrestled with all the facts and info that other adoptee parents have given us about their cases, the process and our agency. We have decided to put me on a plane this coming week. If we are not submitted again this Thursday I will be on my way to hire another attorney to work our case. A friend who was stuck in Ethiopia for 4 months had to use a third party attorney to get her and her baby home. She said that this other attorney was able to do in 2 weeks what our current attorney couldn't manage to do in 4 months. What we are hearing over and over again is that our agency is wonderful if you have no problems. If you are one of the cases on the conveyor belt that just moves along, you're good to go. However, case after case where people ran into issues with paperwork or extra stuff that needs to be done are shoved to the back burner. All of a sudden the lady at the agency is never available and you are told to wait and wait and wait. We're done with being put on the back burner and I'm going over there to get this done so we can bring Kepler home! Stay tuned.


  1. i feel you for you and it makes so much sense to get on that plane and get over there. I am so sorry this has been so difficult and unnecessarily long.There have been too many times when we have experience the same wall with dove. its hard, discouraging and frustrating. we will stay tuned and continue lifting you up in prayer.

  2. Go fight for yor baby, Em! Waiting on an Ethiopian attorney you have no contact with leaves you in the passenger seat. Get over there, fire him, and hire a go-getter. Sometimes you just have to take charge. In the words of the Godfather, it's time to "go to the mattresses." Ask Amos. He'll know what I'm talking about.
