I am overwhelmed by Thankfulness this year. A little over a year ago (Nov 9th, 2010) we saw our sweet Kepler's photo for the first time when we got THE CALL. Two trips to Ethiopia and almost 5 adjusting months later and we are together for this amazing day giving thanks.
Things are going wonderfully. Kepler is comfortable at school and home and we've fallen into a good routine. He still cries if I hold another child but it isn't such a frantic cry as it was before. He's learning that he belongs with us. As great as things are going, we still have reminders that his journey (and ours!) is not over by any means. One sad thing that he does is that he wakes up from his nap sobbing and wailing. He isn't even really awake but he is so sad. It breaks my heart. We think this is may be part of his grieving process. Today I went in to get him and just rocked him in the chair. He fell asleep on me for about 20 minutes. This was a wonderful gift today. I love snuggling with him and this was a wonderful reminder that Kepler so badly needed a family and we are it. I sometimes forget about the miracle of his adoption when I'm up to my eye balls in potty time, baths, 5 meals/snacks a day and school. Today was a gift. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be Kepler's mommy and Amos' wife. Life is rich.
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