Sunday, December 6, 2009

Light at the End of the Paperwork Tunnel

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."
Hello Readers! I am a bit more upbeat today because we are getting so very close to having all of our dossier paperwork gathered! Amos got his passport photos today and I uploaded our family photos for the dossier to Costco! They are mailing them to me! We are just waiting on a couple things to come in the mail and for our social worker to finish revising our home study! I don't think this should take too long because the bulk of it is done. Let me make this as clear as my guesses can be:

1) Gather and notarize remaining paperwork (a week or so)

2)Get home study (2-3weeks)

3)Apply (again) to CIS (2-4weeks)

4)Get dossier approved and authenticated by Hilary Clinton(2-3weeks)

5)Ship it to Ethiopia! (January?)

6)Hear back about a specific child (2-6 months)

Those are my best guesses based on the agencies paperwork but STUFF always happens.

1 comment:

  1. It will seem so much shorter once Baby Kallen gets here. You'll look back and go, "Holy cow. It's been a year!"...and so on and so forth until Baby Kallen is groaning about taking out the trash because Baby Kallen has a REALLY sensitive nose, or because they want to drive to church but you are too terrified to let them, so you tell them 'next week' every week hoping they'll stop asking...or until they bring home a boy/girlfriend that chews gum so loud you can't hear your own thoughts, but if you could, you're sure they'd be involving him/her and a fast-moving bus.
    Just you wait, Mrs. Kallen. Just you wait...;)
    Love you Eme, keep plugging along!
