We heard last Friday, Dec 10
th that our paperwork has been logged into the Ethiopian courts. This is great news! Things are moving along now. I feel like we are on a
conveyor belt...slow but steady:) Usually it takes about 2 weeks to hear about our court date. This means that we are due to hear when our court date is any day now. It's almost time to buy some plane tickets!
I will travel to
Addis Ababa for our court date and to meet Kepler. This will be a short trip of about 4-5 days. I will leave him with the orphanage and return the States for 8-1o weeks before returning to
Addis to spend 10 days in
Addis Ababa, at the orphanage, in
Awassa and at the US embassy awaiting his visa.
If you all could pray that his
birth mother will attend the court hearing, we would appreciate it. This whole process could be prolonged if she can't/doesn't go to court. We already have to navigate some extra steps because Amos isn't able to go...we certainly don't need any other complications!
While we wait I have the fun job of finding a
lovie for him and putting together a little photo album of his adoptive family to take with me on the first trip!
Also, I have met some really great ladies who are all adopting or have adopted from Ethiopia! We are planning to meet once a month as well as get together for a
Timkat celebration in January! This is fantastic because it is so important that Kepler have other Ethiopian people around him and people that support and celebrate his home country and adoption. This is such a blessing to us as parents too! It is so nice to talk to people who know what you are talking about and know how you are feeling. We can talk together without having to explain what a dossier is, or log in dates or referrals or where
Addis Ababa is. It's wonderful!
Yesterday, my good friend Alison handed me an invite to our Baby Shower!!! I opened the envelope and cried when I saw the picture of Africa and read the words,
"From Ethiopia with Love" and "Children are a gift form God and the heart. It doesn't really matter where they got their start" and "A long and challenging journey has come to an end, Come celebrate the joyous new one that is just to begin!".
Kepler's name is on it and the
Amharic symbols for Love and Family. It is beautiful and perfect. Even Amos said that it couldn't be more perfect for our situation. Thanks Alison! I can't wait!